HDML 1276
Moody, Swanwick Shore, Southampton 21/1/43
Known Crew
- Skipper Richard Blundell Rhimes RNR Skipper 1/5/40 Commanding Officer HDML 1276 8/11/44 – 7/45 Previousy commanded HMS Spene (A/S Trawler) 5/7/42 – 6/44 and served in HMS Lord Plender (A/S Trawler) 1941 Born 6/11/08 and died 28/1/59
- TSLt P Cowan RNVR HDML 1276 17/4/44 TSLt 17/4/44 HDML 1335 11/44
- TSkipper J H Gamble act RNR TSkipper 1/7/44 HDML 1276 8/11/44
- TSLt J W Fulton RNVR TSLt 2/10/42 HDML 1276 4/1/43 ML 193 21/8/43
Post War History
- Fast Despatch Boat = FDB 63
- 7/47 Sold