HDML 1304
Sussex Woods, Potter Heigham, Norfolk 20/4/43
Known Crew
- TLt J S Brown RNVR TLt 21/8/42 HMS St Christopher Commanding Officer HDML 1304 29/3/43 HMS Highflyer (Ceylon)
- TSLt W D Griffiths RNR TSLt 17/10/44 HDML 1304 11/1/45 HMS Lucia (Depot Ship)
- TSLt R Owen RNVR TASLt 11/8/43 First Lieutenant HDML 1304 1/11/43 TSLt 11/2/44
- TSLt John Lyon Taylor RNVR HDML 1303 24/5/43 TSLt 19/8/43 For operations off the coast of Arakan from November 1944 to March 1945 DSC Commanding Officer HDML 1304 4/45
- TSLt R S Arnold RNVR TASLt 16/7/44 Bugloss TSLt 16/1/45 HDML 1304 4/45 Operation Dracula – Assault on Rangoon
- TSLt K M Ashton RNVR TSLt 6/11/44 HDML 1304 2/4/45 Operation Dracula – Assault on Rangoon
- TSLt Graham Woodman RNVR TASLt 16/7/43 First Lieutenant HDML 1285 1/11/43 TSLt 16/1/44 Commanding Officer HDML 1304 5/45 HMS Lanka (RN base, Colombo, Ceylon)
Wartime Activities
- 2/5/45 Operation Dracula – Assault on Rangoon
Post War History
- 8/45 Burma RNVR
- 1/48 Gift to Burma
- Burmese Navy = MGB 1304