HDML 1307
Sussex Woods, Potter Heigham, Norfolk 20/9/43
Known Crew
- TSLt R Hylton RNVR TSLt 29/5/42 HMS Attack (Portland) for small craft 24/8/42 Commanding Officer HDML 1307 12/9/43 HMS Mosquito (Alexandria) TLt 20/1/44 For services in the clearance of the Aegean and the relief of Greece 1945 DSC Commanding Officer ML 360 28/5/45TASLt Stuart Hugh Roberts Musgrave RNVR TASLt 19/11/43 HMS Nile (Alexandria) HDML 1307 16/3/44 TSLt 19/5/44 First Lieutenant ML 862 29/5/45 First Lieutenant ML 196 17/12/45 Born 31/10/16 in Cork, Ireland and died 5/6/95 in Cork, Ireland or 1982 in Richmond, Surrey
- TSLt W D J Newman RNVR First Lieutenant HDML 1398 28/6/43 TSLt 5/9/43 ML 354 11/9/44 Commanding Officer HDML 1307 23/5/45
- TASLt M V D Champness RNVR TSLt 28/11/43 HDML 1307 12/9/43 Commanding Officer HDML 1176 15/9/44
- TASLt T B Greenwood RNVR TMid 11/8/44 HMS Gregale (Malta) TASLt 13/2/45 HDML 1307
Post War History
- 11/45 On loan to Greece = Karia
- 1961 For disposal