HDML 1359
Elscot, City Island, New York, USA 22/9/44
Known Crew
- Lt Alan H G Hard RANR SLt First Lieutenant ML 424 29/12/42 Lt 13/4/44 HDML 1359 20/10/44
- Lt Eric M Sodersteen RANVR Lt 9/5/42 HDML 1326 31/12/43 HMAS Moreton (Brisbane) HDML 1359 7/44 Commanding Officer ML 823 10/44
- SLt Colin J Gillespie RANR ML 818 SLt 28/10/43 First Lieutenant HDML 1353 7/44 First Lieutenant HDML 1359 22/9/44 HDML 1326
William Trevelyan (Coxswain) - Tel John Anderson
- Tel Jack Glaves HDML 1359
Wartime Activities
- Royal Australian Navy
- 9/44 Commissioned in Sydney
Far Eastern Liaison Office - 23/10/44 Departed Sydney repairing at Crofts Harbour before reaching Brisbane. Two folboats were embarked and the crew spent ten days at the commando training school at Fraser Island
Townsville, Cairns, Thursday Island, Milne Bay, Alexishafen (Where Colin Gillespie co Colin Gillespientracted Dengue) and Hollandia for docking to repair damaged shaft and propellor - 12/4/45 Morotai as part of āJā Mission patrolling Japanese held territory
- 27/4/45 Sayafi, with an embarked army patrol
- 28/4/45 Gebe Island and refuelled from drums floated out from the shore.
Kofiau, Ebo Island, Fagita
Obi Island where three Japanese Supporters were captured. Four suspected collaborators were captured on the following day. Three prisoners were taken at Sendadgi.
Djoronga Island, Tanong Libolo, Adoea, Soemoe and Sayafi. Completed mission on 30/5/45 - 12-6/7/44 Towed to Balikpapan by LST 935 in rough weather. Damage to dinghy and a machine gun and water barrels lost overboard. Steering jammed on fourth night and prepared for abandonment before the problem was fixed.
- 22/7/44 Balikpapan for āYā Mission in SE Borneo
- 8/45 Surrender of South Borneo
- 8/9/45 Contacted a Japanese ship off Sungei Barito and embarked Capt Gotto (IJN), Major Hirumata and an interpreter. Landed in Balikpapan on 10/9/45
Provided navigation and escort for six LCTs and twelve LCMs landing troops up the Mahakan River at Louise and Sanga Sanga - 13/9/45 With HMAS Inverell and six LCTs to Bandjermasin then on to Sungei Barito
- 18/9/45 Official Japanese surrender at Bandjermasin and ML 1359 became Port Director
- 23-5/9/45 To Kumai with an army patrol of 1 officer and ten men where they took 186 prisoners.
Towed home by a corvette with a towing chain wrapped around a propeller which had to be freed at sea. - 11/45 Paid off in Sidney
Post War History
- 1949 Sold