HDML 1391
Berthon Boat, Lymington 11/43
ML 1391 in Ostend (John Smith Collection)
London Gazette 19/12/44 – For good service distributing instructions in the assault anchorage after the first landings in Normandy
- MID Sea Peter Charles Easter LT/JX259242
- MID Eng John Fogg LT/KX160138
Known Crew
- TSLt J C Dunn RNVR TSLt 13/11/41 Commanding Officer HDML 1391 8/11/43 Commanding Officer HDML 1024 18/1/44 TLt 13/5/44 ML 492
- TSLt J C Stirrat RNVR TSLt 18/6/43 109th ML Flotilla Based at Scapa Flow Commanding Officer HDML 1081 1/11/43 149th ML Flotilla Commanding Officer HDML 1391 3/44 Operation Neptune Invasion of Normandy Channel Marker at Gold Beach on D Day
- TSLt R D Howell RNVR First Lieutenant HDML 1391 2/11/43 TSLt 12/2/44
- TLt Derric Armstrong Breen RNVR HMS Royal Arthur 5/40 HMS Egret (Sloop) HMS King Alfred TSLt 21/8/42 HMS St Christopher 30/11/42 First Lieutenant HDML 1157 HMS Aggressive (Newhaven) First Lieutenant RML 516 21/3/43 Coastal Forces Commanding Officer’s course at Ardrishaig Commanding Officer HDML 1388 19/11/43 – 24/12/43 Commanding Officer HDML 1391 1/44 – 4/44 First Lieutenant HMS Pict 3/4/44 – 7/45 TLt 7/12/44 Born 12/19 in Gateshead and died 23/3/2004 in Washington, Durham Published: Young men at war (Online)
- POEngm John Fogg LT/KX160138 149th ML Flotilla HDML 1391 For good service distributing instructions in the assault anchorage after the first landings in Normandy MID
(Coxswain) - Sea Peter Charles Easter LT/JX259242 149th ML Flotilla HDML 1391 For good service distributing instructions in the assault anchorage after the first landings in Normandy MID
- Sea John H Smith LT/KX389437
- Sig
- Tel
- + 8 more
Wartime Activities
- 6/44 Operation Neptune Invasion of Normandy
149th ML Flotilla
ML1295, ML1309, ML1383, ML1387, ML1389, ML1391, ML1392, ML1393, ML1407, ML1409, ML1421. ML1422 - 5-6/6/44 Channel Marker at Gold Beach on D Day
Distributing instructions in the assault anchorage after the first landings in Normandy (Gazette Date – 19/12/44)
Post War History
- Fast Despatch Boat = FDB72
- ML3515
- 11/3/59 To Nigeria