HDML 1052
Morgan Giles, Teignmouth, Devon 8/5/41
Known Crew
- TLt A R Vallance RNVR 104th ML Flotilla Based at Freetown, Sierra Leone. Commanding Officer HDML 1052 12/4/43 TLt 25/6/43 ML 455
- TSLt H A Hagman RNVR TSLt 5/8/43 Commanding Officer HDML 1052 20/8/44 HMS Iron Duke (Scapa Flow) ML 540 Rescue Motor Launch
- TSLt G A Dunnett RNVR TSLt 26/9/43 Commanding Officer HDML 1052 11/12/44 HMS Philoctetes II (Freetown, Sierra Leone) HMS Braganza (Bombay)
Wartime Activities
- 1/7/41 104th ML Flotilla
At Greenock to be freighted to Freetown, Sierra Leone
ML 1006, ML 1014, ML 1016, ML 1018, ML 1019, ML 1041, ML 1042 and ML 1052 - 1/42 104th ML Flotilla
Based at Freetown, Sierra Leone
ML 1006, ML 1016 and ML 1052 are at Freetown
ML 1014, ML 1018, ML 1019 and ML 1042 are at Lagos
ML 1041 is at Takoradi - 6/11/42 ML 1209, ML 1041, ML 1052, ML 285, HMS St Wistan arrived at Takoradi
- 10/11/42 Anti submarine trawler HMS Copinsay, ML 1052, ML 1019 sailed from Takoradi for Lagos escorting
- 11/11/42 Anti submarine trawler H.M.S. Copinsay and ML 1019 and ML 1052 arrived in Lagos from Takoradi
- 24/2/43 ML 1052 sailed for Cotonomu with French recognition signals
- 25/2/43 ML 1052 arrived in Lagos from Kotonou
- 12/3/43 ML 1052 sailed from Lagos for Porto Novo with Free French recognition signals
- 10/4/43 ML 1052 sailed from Lagos for Port Novo
- 11/4/43 ML 1052 arrived in Lagos from Porto Novo
- 20/4/43 ML 1052 sailed from Lagos for Porto Novo
- 21/4/43 ML 1052 arrived in Lagos from Porto Novo
Post War History
- 1/46 For disposal at Freetown, Sierra Leone