HDML 1067
Moody, Swanwick Shore, Southampton 8/5/41
Known Crew
- Skipper W E Bilton RNR Skipper 1/3/41 HMS Baldur (Reykjavik) for HDMLs and MLs 106th ML Flotilla Commanding Officer HDML 1067 12/42 Commanding Officer HDML 1021 1/44 – End 103rd ML Flotilla Operation Neptune Invasion of Normandy
- Skipper J Cormack RNR Skipper 1/10/42 HMS Baldur (Reykjavik) for HDMLs and MLs 106th ML Flotilla HDML 1067 12/42 Bedlington
- Skipper A Clark RNR 109th ML Flotilla Based at Scapa Flow HDML 1060 23/9/42 106th ML Flotilla Operating in Iceland Commanding Officer HDML 1067 26/11/43
- TSkipper J A MacK Garden RNR TSkipper 8/8/43 HDML 1067 12/43
- Skipper J Wood RNR Skipper 1/6/42 HDML 1043 18/10/44 Commanding Officer HDML 1067 13/12/44 [FS Mouique Camifle]
Wartime Activities
- 1/7/41 106th ML Flotilla
For duty in Iceland on completion
ML 1026, ML 1043, ML 1045 and ML 1067 - 1/1/42 106th ML Flotilla
Operating in Iceland
ML 1026, ML 1043, ML 1045 and ML 1067 - 2/43 Based at HMS Baldur, Reykjavik, Iceland
Post War History
- Fast Despatch Boat = FDB 34
- 1/48 Sold to France = VP24